Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Michelle's cookbook was a labor of love, creative as well as entertaining, and everyone got one. It is a mystery where she drudged up those old picutres, but she managed to make us all look young and beautiful. Hurray!
And then there is the calendar we have all come to depend upon, with fantastic artwork by none other than our talented Adam. If you haven't taken the time to get a good look at it, I recommend you do so. Wow! Many thanks to Bob and Julia for taking the time to put this attractive calendar together.
And now, we say farewell to 2008. It is time to hang up our 2009 calendars, wiggle into our aprons and get down to some serious cooking. I plan to whip up a delicious Cheese Spoon Bread. Thanks to Michelle, I don't have to call and inconvenience anyone for the recipe.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It was sad to see the old pecan tree come down. It was quite an ordeal, what with a cherry picker and three brave Mexicans sawing away half a mile up in the air and easing the chunks to the ground with a pulley. It took them two hours to complete the job that probably took the tree a hundred years to produce. We don't know what to do with the empty space it has left in our yard. Frances has ideas, and it will be our project for next year to get some decent landscaping done. Meanwhile, there is a very misplaced woodpecker. Doesn't know where to peck now that his tree is gone. I hear him pecking here and there, trying out new trees, but so far he has not found the likes of the old pecan tree he so diligently pecked at day after day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What a difference a few months can make in a cat's life. Ragu has fattened up, so much so that she is now in line for a visit to the vet. We hope Ragu is not prego, if you know what I mean. She sure has an appetite, though, and it's not quite clear to us if she is or isn't. No doubt we will find out soon enough, whether she goes to the vet or not. At this point, I'd rather find out we've been feeding a tape worm, disgusting as the thought may be.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
She wandered into our back yard in July, weak, sick, and apparently homeless. I made ten copies of this picture and posted them in strategic places all over the neighborhood.
I called her Esperanza, a reflection of my high hopes that she would soon be reunited with her owners.
Several weeks went by, and it became apparent that no one was going to claim the waif. I scratched the name Esperanza and named her Ragu instead. I sometimes call her Rags.
The haunted look in Ragu's eyes is gone. No more bony ribs or rickety legs to tell the story of her journey before she found a sucker, namely me. Now she is fat and round, and full of vim and vigor. Not even the dogs will have much to do with her.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Heavens, where does time go? Has it been that long? Have I nothing to say in my defense? I have answers to all the above querries.
Time flies. Though it may seem like only a few weeks, it has actually been almost two months since my last entry. I've been busy elsewhere, doing a little of this and a little of that, none of it making me a penny richer, but keeping me well occupied.
I've heard that time is worth its weight in gold. It weighs heavily on me, time does, so I hope it's as valuable as they claim it to be. Time is an investment in the future, and as an aspiring writer, I must believe this or I am doomed. I have to believe that the time I spend writing is time that will eventually pay off. Whether it will or not is beside the point. Thing is, I have to believe it will, otherwise I'm wasting my time.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Maybe this piece of tomato art on our windowsill will impress you. If you could ignore the window splatters in the background and concentrate on the size and variety of our prolific crop this year, you would be impressed. Nearby, in a large stainless steel colander, are the rest of the tomatoes, too many to stack up.
The largest tomato so far weighed in at fifteen ounces. If that doesn't impress you, let me put it another way: it is one ounce shy of a pound. I'm telling you, it's impressive!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Bountiful Earth
Friday, May 23, 2008
Trial Run
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mount Holly in Little Rock, Arkansas
We stayed in the historic district of Little Rock, where many of the old houses have been restored and are quite beautiful to behold. As you can see from the blue sky in this picture, we had perfect weather during our brief stay in Little Rock. As a matter of fact, we didn't get a drop of rain during our trip to and from Indiana. How lucky was that?
More pictures to come. No one has enlightened me as to how to post a series of photos, so it'll be the tedious one by one routine until yours truly discovers how to do this.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Picture taken at the Ole Sawmill Cafe
The Ole Sawmill Cafe, in a small town in Arkansas named Forest, was perhaps the best place we stopped to eat. It is unique, full of personality, and most importantly, the food was excellent.
I can't seem to download more than one image per blog. How irritating. I've tried to download a series of pictures, but my efforts have been fruitless. Maybe someone could help me out here, tell me what I must do to post as many picutes as I please, in the order I choose?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Easter flowers
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Another sign of Spring
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
These peaches are not nearly as big they appear in the picture, really not even the size of an olive, but they seem to be healthy and plentiful, so maybe...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
All esle aside, it means Spring is around the corner.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Signs of Spring
Too bad winter isn't over. Too bad, because it means we will probably not get any peaches. Though why that should concern us is questionable, seeing as last year's crop was sabotaged by the squirrels. They ate every peach, to the last bite, never giving us a chance to get so much as a taste.