Maybe this piece of tomato art on our windowsill will impress you. If you could ignore the window splatters in the background and concentrate on the size and variety of our prolific crop this year, you would be impressed. Nearby, in a large stainless steel colander, are the rest of the tomatoes, too many to stack up.
The largest tomato so far weighed in at fifteen ounces. If that doesn't impress you, let me put it another way: it is one ounce shy of a pound. I'm telling you, it's impressive!
Beautiful tomatoes. And I am sure you are feeling even better about the home grown variety now that we have had the scare with mass produced tomatoes (not to mention that store bought tomatoes are completely tasteless!).
I know how difficulat it can be to get nice large tomatoes. We had fair success a couple years ago, but did lose 20-30% of them to bottom rot - which I heard could be remedied by amending the soil with calcium.
This is very irritating. Why can't our tomato crop be as prolific? The stinking birds didn't help much, pecking the tomatoes right before picking time.
When I grow up, I want to grow tomatoes like that!
Those are truly amazing!
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