Wednesday, December 31, 2008


While it is a verifiable fact that Christmas at the Schmidt household was nothing short of spectacular this year, I must point out that two gifts stood out as more special than all the others.
Michelle's cookbook was a labor of love, creative as well as entertaining, and everyone got one. It is a mystery where she drudged up those old picutres, but she managed to make us all look young and beautiful. Hurray!
And then there is the calendar we have all come to depend upon, with fantastic artwork by none other than our talented Adam. If you haven't taken the time to get a good look at it, I recommend you do so. Wow! Many thanks to Bob and Julia for taking the time to put this attractive calendar together.
And now, we say farewell to 2008. It is time to hang up our 2009 calendars, wiggle into our aprons and get down to some serious cooking. I plan to whip up a delicious Cheese Spoon Bread. Thanks to Michelle, I don't have to call and inconvenience anyone for the recipe.


amycue said...

Great post hermanita!

ruminations said...

It wa sn enjoyable time. We are lucky to have a family that seems to get along so well