Friday, June 15, 2007

Is it fear, or something more sinister?

While it's true that a paranoid individual is full of fear, one who is fearful is not necesarily paranoid.
Have the terrorists succeeded in creating a paranoid nation? Or is it simply that we are now a nation full of fear-second guessing when and where the next attack will take place?
There is no shortage of reporters that interview 'experts' on our national security. Invariably, these experts point out how fragile our security really is, how easy it would be to launch an attack on any given nuclear site, poison our water supply, etc... How many more ideas can we give the enemy, I ask, before they know all our weaknesses and vulnerabilities?
An enemy that has nothing to lose is a most fearsome one. Their ultimate goal is to strip those who have much to lose from everything they hold dear. They are watching us squander money and resources to defend our airports, seaports, borders, and every conceivable place in between. Even if there is never another attack on American soil, the terrorists have sucessfully instilled fear in our nation, and we all pay the price as they slowly bleed us to death.
As the experts deliver the sad state of our national security, we become more watchful, more suspicious. Only thing is, we don't really know what we're afraid of. Unsure of where to be looking, we see danger everywhere. Is this fear, or has it morphed into something more sinister, like paranoia?


Tom said...

I believe that fear is integral to our humanity. Without it, we would all be dead as we fearlessly do what is harmful to ourselves and others we love.
That being said, fear only plays a positive role when we use our minds, and choose to do (or not do) something to remedy our fear.
I am still of the opinion that this country, and the world in general, spends way too much time and energy fighting fear with more of the same.
We are a country this day that has neglected to ask why, and in doing so, have forged an inability to serve our own interests. Proof? Do YOU have less fear today with all the effort our country's government is putting forth to secure our nation?

Kathy Hernandez said...

In response to your comment, Dad, it is difficult to put fear aside when our survival depends on it. As a species, we'd be long gone from the scene were it not for the wonderful hormone adrenaline.
But I don't live my life in constant fear. I will save my fear for when the circumstances call for it, like pulling over to the side of the road in a horrific storm so that I may make it to Houston for Father's Day in one piece.
All the national security makes me feel there is something to be afraid of; it is a constant reminder what a dangerous world we are living in today. No, I don't feel less, but more fear, as I see the efforts we put forth to secure the unsecurable. Where do we draw that fine line that separates fear from paranoia?

ruminations said...

Kathy, for some reason that I can't seem to correct, my responses come as Ruminations.
The other Thomas is your dear brother.

Kathy Hernandez said...

Brother Thomas, I should have known that response was from you, but I had no idea you had accessed my blog. I am honored that you took time to comment. Accept my apology for thinking it had come from our dear father.