Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Picture taken at the Ole Sawmill Cafe

One thing is certain: travelling across the United States of America is not what it used to be. There was a time, not too very long ago, that one could find a Mom and Pop business or restaurant on any given corner of any given city or town. Now it's Wal Mart, Home Depot, McDonald's, Sonic, and every other friggin' business that has franchized their chain nationwide. Boring!!!
Carlos and I managed to find a few independent businesses on our way to and from Indiana. We were happy to give them our hard earned dollars, and satified that in doing so we were helping them stay in business.

The Ole Sawmill Cafe, in a small town in Arkansas named Forest, was perhaps the best place we stopped to eat. It is unique, full of personality, and most importantly, the food was excellent.

I can't seem to download more than one image per blog. How irritating. I've tried to download a series of pictures, but my efforts have been fruitless. Maybe someone could help me out here, tell me what I must do to post as many picutes as I please, in the order I choose?


Francy-Pants said...

Hey, mom-- I think it's pretty easy to upload multiple pictures to one blog, as I know I've done it.

If I can do it, anyone can.

There is a catch though. Whenever I upload an image to my blog, it goes directly to the top of the page, in the form of indecipherable HTML code. If I want it to go beneath text, or another picture, I have to cut and paste the HTML code.

I'm sure you know how to do this, but I will refresh your memory anyway:

highlight the code (every group will begin with a < and end with a >), press the control key and the "C" key at the same time to copy. Then place the cursor where you want the image to appear, and press control "V" to paste it.

Then delete the original code.

Every time you upload a picture, it will appear at the top of your entry page, so you will have to cut and paste it to put it where you want.

I don't know if there is an easier way to do this, but this is how I do it.

Good luck!

p.s. beautiful pictures.

Nancy Adams said...


If more people felt like you do, then we would see more unique and interesting shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. These neat places close up cause they can't compete with the mega-store prices, and the only thing people in this country seem to care about anymore is buying alot of cheap things (despite the fact that they may be low in quality or that everyone else has the identical things).

I go out of my way to give the small mom and pop businesses my business.


Nancy Adams said...


If more people felt like you do, then we would see more unique and interesting shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. These neat places close up cause they can't compete with the mega-store prices, and the only thing people in this country seem to care about anymore is buying alot of cheap things (despite the fact that they may be low in quality or that everyone else has the identical things).

I go out of my way to give the small mom and pop businesses my business.


Nancy Adams said...

oops, didn't know it was already posted...

Anonymous said...

I happened to stumble upon this while looking for the name of the restaurant, as I plan on stopping there with a bus load of customers from Hot Springs, AR going to a convention with us in Nashville, TN. Just so readers will know where it is, the town is actually named Forrest City, Arkansas. It was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Civil War general, and is situated at the foot of an unusual geological formation called Crowley's Ridge that is about 5 miles wide, 200 miles long and stands in beautiful contrast to the surrounding area with woodlands rising above the flat rice farms of eastern Arkansas. The restaurant is a few blocks south of I-40 and is such a nice, homey little place with a delicious buffet of home cooking where the people will gladly engage in conversation if you simply smile and say hello. I'm glad you happened to find it and hope you enjoyed your trip.