Wednesday, May 7, 2008


We are all aware that the big day has come and gone: Frances is graduated, suddenly cast into the ranks of educated people. Immortalized in this picture is the big smile on her face, not a trace of worry over the speech she will be delivering in less than an hour's time in front of hundreds of people: teachers, parents and peers. There is no need to say it, but what the heck, we are proud parents and we have good reason to be. Her speech was delivered eloquently and without flaw, in a calm, cool and collected manner that was like a breath of fresh air. Hurray!


Tom said...

You should be proud!
Congratulations on her gradutation.

Francy-Pants said...

Awww. I love you guys, and I loved having you here!

The house is much quieter without the family in it. Makes me wish we had all gotten along better back when we did live together.