Monday, August 13, 2007


A few weeks ago our plot at the community gardens was cited for not being in compliance. What that really means is that our weeds have gotten out of hand, and that it's looking like an abandoned plot.

Four years ago, when I first laid the rocks for our eleven raised beds and paved the paths with bricks and flagstone, it was a most charming garden. But the recent rains and years of superficial weed-wacking have taken their toll this year, and the rocks and paths have all but been swallowed up by every kind of weed imaginable.

I've been hauling rocks to our garden plot for years. To say I have a ton of rocks would be partly true, but in reality, its more like ten tons. It didn't feel like such a big job taking them to the garden, perhaps because it was done in increments, a few at a time. But now that we are in the process of removing all the rocks at once, it feels gigantic. A friend has offered to take every rock to the last pebble for landscaping her yard, so I don't have to bring them all back home.

I managed to get a fingertip smashed between two rocks. It bled instantly, and I think I'm going to lose the nail. I was tempted to get some black nail polish, so that I could match the other nine nails to the color of my injured one.

A friend loaned me the last of the Harry Potter books, so I read it while nursing the very swollen and throbbing finger. I enjoyed it very much, but I'm glad the series is over.


ruminations said...

I comiserate with you about the finger.
Surely there are better things to read than that Poter stuff. I will have nothing to do with it since I saw the first movie and it seemed stupid.

Kathy Hernandez said...

Yeah, but one has to keep up with the times. After all, Harry Potter is the biggest seller in the history of books. I thought it was good, quite entertaining, but as I said, I'm glad it was the last of the series, as I do believe she has exhausted this one.

Tom said...

Hauling rocks is hard work. I know. We had to bring up a fair number of them up to line our pond and stream. Fingers do tend to get in their way at times!

So what does this mean you having to move all the rocks? Have you lost your gardening spot?

Anyhow... I must say that I happened to enjoy the HP books a lot. Better then the books, were the books on tape. Least favorite, the movies. Which I think are best enjoyed by those who have already been captivated by the books.