Sunday, July 29, 2007


Pet Peeves are the things we love to hate. They give us something to gripe about, a good venue to air our discontent. Usually, pet peeves are the things that we encounter all too often, perhaps on a daily basis, often enough to get our attention, and cause us to pause whatever we are doing and scowl.
I've had a few pet peeves of my own of late. The rooster across the street is gone, so I'll skip over him and get to the ever-present one: Early morning honking. Car-pooling is good, everyone knows this. We give it two thumbs up. However, why disrupt the morning peace when picking up a co-worker with a two-three second blare, when a few polite taps on the horn would do the trick? What kind of person does this morning after morning, precisely at 5:30?

1 comment:

ruminations said...

I think the incesant chirping, cawing and hooting of birds at 5:30 AM to be as irritating as horn blowers. Have they no decency?