Monday, February 1, 2010


Funny thing how our property taxes go up year after year, regardless of the changes that happen all around us. Six months ago, MHMR (Mental Health & Mental Retardation) moved into the building behind us. They wasted no time spiffing the place up, spared no expense in fixing the 2,000 sq foot flat roof and outfitting it with handsome spouts that drain directly into our property. On a normal day this is not a problem, but add a little rain to the equation and it is like someone has opened the floodgates. The city claims it can do nothing about it-instead they are suggesting we file a civil suit against this federally funded organization. I say bull...., bring on the sand bags, and a load of sand to fill 'em up with, and let's see who ends up having to deal with the thousands of gallons of water that now flow into my property.